Long Live The Wookster
Posted: 10th Apr 2013
All our Regular Guy's who have been coming each year will relate to this Blog because The "Wookie Dog" has been part of Team Sanctuary Since Day 1. The Old Girl passed away today after taking a turn for the worse over the last 3 weeks. I don't think she ever fully recovered from eating the Poison last year and has not been herself since then. This morning she even made her last march down to the lake and sat outside Johns Bivvy in Peg 3, I carried her back home after Breakfast and in less than 2 hours she was gone.
So all who loved those brown eyes gazing up at you while eating your breakfast, only to be shunned the moment you crumbled the tinfoil as her fat behind waddled up the path towards the next peg in digust of not receiving anything. Or the moment you had a run while I was on the breakfast delivery, only to put your brekkie down while playing the fish and then turning round to see the dog and eaten the lot, foil and all, sat in the sun with her belly bursting!!! Or a classic was reeling the rods in and hanging the hookbaits on the butt ring to find the dog had eaten the rig and all, then snapping you off for good measure!!! The list goes on, but as mad as she was all the lads loved her character.
So, no more trips in the boat old girl, and the Legend will live on!!!!
The weather is still shocking to say the least and the fish don't know what the hell to do, it's raining "Cats & Dogs" one minute, hail the next and with the water still remaining so clear it tells me the fish have not woken up just yet. Graham down in peg 5 has landed 5 fish to mid 40lb and lost a couple. John in 3 has only had the one fish of 39lb+ and Dave has moved from peg 1 into 4 after seeing a few fish and he has landed one and lost one last night, so hopefully things will pick-up, but we do need a change in the weather quickly.
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R.I.P Wookie