Only A Month To Go!
Posted: 28th Feb 2017
Well it's been a while.....I guess that's become the norm of late, but most of you know I have been updating FB, so you can see more pictures and videos of what's going on instead of just a single picture on the blog, it's far easy to upload little snippets as well.
Yesterday I finished grading the young stock fish I bred in 2014, I have also segrated 6 fish for breeding this summer so all the work regarding carp is finished for now. I only have the big roach to sort out but will wait another month before I go ahead to avoid any issues with cormorants killing them.
All the trees have been cut around the 7 acre and some of the dead wood has had a really hard cut back to prevent any trees from falling in this season. I have a little tidying up to do around the lake, give the inside of the shower block a lick of paint before we open in a months time, so all seems to be on track. I'm feeding the fish at the moment but the weather is changing by the day so I'm playing it on the safe side to prevent any food being left uneaten.............I really want to give them a boost after the stress the fish have been put under over the draindown, a free easy meal with extra vitamins will help bring the fish through the spring which is always the most critical time of the year other than spawning.
We have had the tailend of the storm which has battered the UK so lots of driving rain at the moment, so I'm letting water out of the 15 acre lake so I can continue with the peg building............I'm sending all the excess water through the 7 acre lake to give it a good purge, once it drops another foot I can carry on again. I'm hoping to have the pegs finished in the next month, I will then be starting with the footings for the new Shower block. With the 15 acre lake opening later in the season we have paced ourselves instead of putting profit first, so all is on track for the opening and I can work away through the summer months to complete the job.
We will be sending a small welcome pack email out in the next few weeks, this covers the basics for any new customers with directions and general rules. Regards deposits we have always taken a 12 month average for the exchange rate which over the last 10 years has been the most reliable method to make it fair for both you the customer and ourselves. At times there can be small fluctuations but when broken down as a group booking you maybe 5 euros up or down but we have always tried to favour the customer. Some people have said in the past why not let the customer just exchange for example the £500 lake booking final balance into euros and that's what they pay on the day. If the exchange rate was fixed throughout travels exchange bureau that would be fine, but as you know the difference can be huge with the post office being resonable and a good bet to exchange currency, then other customers have changed the money on the boat which is the worst scenario of all and they get as a business we have to have some kind of stability and professionalism and this is why we use this method. Last year after the brexit result the £ nosedived, this is the first time in 10 years we have seen such a change over the course of our fishing season and we did adjust the exchange rate half way through the year to allow for this.This year we could be seeing more large fluctuations with the exchange rate once the British government start talks with Brussels, and France also have elections which could swing the rate the this season we will set the rate as normal for the start of the season but will keep a close eye on what takes place this year and if we need be adjust again to make it as fair as possible for you the customer, this is what we will do. Anyone who knows how we run the business I'm sure will agree we have always put customer service first, we are not just another fishery who are happy to take your money, and you the customer have been our main interest and that's the main reason the fishery has grown from strength to strength each season.
We will be sending personal emails out very soon, in the meantime if you are unsure of anything please feel free to contact.
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary