A Brace Of 50lbs
Posted: 26th Apr 2017
This week has been one of stark differences, very simliar to the weather we are experiencing each week at the moment like never before. One day is full sun and 20oc and feeling very spring like.....the next is down to 0oc with ground frost in the morning and a biting cold wind all day so its making life tough going.
Steve had the session of his life in Peg 5 this week, the other boys had to work very hard to try and pick off odd fish, no one blanked but with the fish still deciding to stay in Peg 5 like the week before....Steve left nothing to chance and bagged-up!
Even though the fishing is patchy with the fish in a group, some stunning fish are coming out and all looking in good shape with beautiful coloration. Lee had fish down in Peg 1 all week but they were reluctant to feed in any earnest, but with a few rig tweeks and bait changing he did manage a few, along with the most stunning 31lb 8oz Fully Scaled mirror...with his best topping 39lb+.
Soft-lad & Ray fished the middle of the lake, but with very few fish holding up in the middle it was once again a case of picking them off when you could. Ray had a brace of 40lbs in the first 24hrs so he had some nice fish under his belt. "Soft Lad" had a nice grassie of around 40lb and a few stockies....he ended the week with a 9lb Tench that I weighed with him, along with a lovely golden coloured mirror of 32lb+ on the last night.
Steve in Peg 1 was catching thick and fast each day....nothing coming at night with all the fish falling to his rods through the daylight hours. With multipul 40s to 47lb+ and a brace of 2 x 50lb+ to 52lb 8oz he had a golden week indeed, along with some stunning fish to boot.
The week ended on 26 fish and 6 stockies just under 20lb I have not included in the total. the largest going 51lb+ & 52lb+, 8 fish over 40lb to 47lb+, 9 fish over 30lb including 3 x 39lb, 7 x 20lb+ to 28lb, topped off with two big Tench to 9lb!
The females are ready to spawn now but the weather will be the deciding factor, extra care is needed with fish on the bank over the coming weeks and if your happy to get in the margins with the big females all the better I think.....along with keeping the fish off their bellies while in the cradles and on their sides at all times.
Work commences on the new shower block next week for the 15 acre lake so I will start to take some images as it comes together over the next month. We are now taking bookings for 2018 for the 15 acre lake, so if you're looking for a new venue with a large stock of growing young carp and easy fishing, please feel free to get in touch. The lake contains 450+ fish, lots of 20s as the bulk, with a few lumps to 50lb in the lake. 7 anglers max on 15 acres of water so plenty of room and features in every peg. The price is the same as the 7 acre lake at 300 sterling pounds per angler, exclusive lake booking is 2000 sterling pounds for 7 max, full kitchen and shower facilities seperate from the 7 acre lake. It's a beautiful lake, very peaceful, stunning surroundings and breathtaking wildlife. The fish have been grown in the lake and as carp should be, perfect clean condition, perfect mouths and fins and fight like tigers. It's a hungry water so large beds of baits to try and stop the fish on the move is the order of the day.
We have another group on the 7 acre lake this week pitting their wits, I will update at the end of the week!
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary