Perfect Linear
Posted: 19th May 2017
Time for another blog to bring things up to speed and the chaps last week once again worked hard and Simon was rewarded with the largest fish of the week at 50lb 8oz. Its funny because he had the fish on Sunday morning from the far bank in 3, this is the first fish off that area this season and normally it's a productive spot, but this year they have not been visiting it for some reason! That was his last fish from there and he had to change spots to start catching again......but hey I would rather have just the one good one I guess! Dave in Peg 1 was the most consistent this week catching a steady couple of fish each day, almost setting his watch by the times. The fish seemed to be down that end and finally have started to move out of 5 after weeks rolling into months being held up in this part of the lake. I cannot take anything away from Dave because he fished well, you need them in your swim buts it's still down to angling ability to catch......& he did just that. One of the fish of the week for the chaps was Daves Linear, known as the perfect Lin, just over 30lb for the first time and she looks stunning. Simon also had one fish I don't seen often in the shape of a large framed male, golden in colour with a frame like a bodybuilder, just soild in everyway.....stunning fish and weighing in at 44lb+ so another fish thats gained a few lb.
Alex had to work hard in 5 but managed to slip the net under mirrors to 49lb so all the chaps had fish over 40lb+ along with Simons 50lb 8oz so once again the lake produced some stunning fish.
The week total was 17 fish landed, largest being 50lb 8oz, 5 over 40lb+ to 49lb the rest 30s & 20s to 39lb14oz.
We have now seen the fish start to spawn this week but I will update all about this in the next blog.
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