Take That Handbreak Off!!
Posted: 19th Sep 2016
I just had the feeling the lake was going to explode into action with the fishing building each week with some very good catches over the last month.....but this week all hell broke loose with the largest catch of the year, with 16 fish over 40lb+ equalling another simliar catch at the start of the season, it shows the fish are now putting weight back on and looking very good indeed for the final end to the season!
We had two regulars this week who had teamed up with two of their friends making the lake booking.....with Ray & Steve fishing the lake each year they knew what to aspect, but Gary & Barry dropping into Pegs 4 & 5 were hoping for a good week after listening to all the stories from Ray of the last few years. The fishing was hectic from the start and with a steady building of bait over the week the fish kept coming. You could really sense the fish working the lake looking for bait regardless of the super hot temps on Monday & Tuesday breaking 34 oc once again.With the weather set to change midweek the fish must have been aware of the pressure drop and the fish kept coming. New pbs soon came for Barry & Gary with them both taking fish over 46lb+...infact all the chaps had good 40s with Ray landing fish to 47lb 4oz, Steve fish to 47lb, Gary landing a 46lb+ and Barry taking the largest of the week at 48lb.
I have mentioned this many times before but you do have to remember that at times, depending on the season and weather you can be tested and the fish can play hard ball.....but when a hit like this comes around it just goes to show the potential of the lake when its on form. It's not the largest lake being only 7 acres and you are never far from fish, but with a little thought regarding rigs and baiting strategy a good hit can always be had. The total this week was 70 fish for the group which is just phenomenal fishing....they also landed 22 fish under 20lb, all lovely fish but not included in the total because of their size which really gives you an idea how many fish were landed last week. Tench to 8lb included and Roach to 2lb along with a rogue Zander....it was a week to remember. 16 fish over 40lb+ to 48lb, 3 x 47lb+, 2 x 46lb+ 23 fish over 30lb+ with 10 being 35lb-39lb along with 10 upper 20s amongst the 20s caught.
This winter we will be draining the lakes and removing all the unwanted tench & silver fish...along with any small carp that have bred in the last 3 summers. I will keep the full stock of 450+ fish in the 15 acre lake once the small stuff has been removed but I will for the first time adjust the stock in the 7 acre lake.I will look closely at each individual fish...not just for size but age and condition will play a part in deciding if I keep or remove them. The stock has been around 200 for the last 10 years....but for me to push the lake to the next stage I will have to reduce the biomass. I will reduce the grass carp straight away leaving the bigger ones present for anyone who likes them, but with no weed present it seems pointless having 50+ grassies present when I can make room for other carp growing. Also there are some older fish that have stopped growing around upper 30lb and are now looking like they have peaked in condition and weight, so they will also be thinned out along with any fish that might be showing damage or very bad hook slips. Once I have grouped the fish together I can then make a decision which fish are staying and going but rest assured it will be for the better in both the short and long term, with next season really coming into its own regarding the quality of the stock. All our regulars know I have wanted to do this for many years and I know it will not suit all our customers, but sometimes you cannot make an omelete with cracking a few eggs, and mark my words if you are the kind of angler happy to be tested against your quarry knowing the results are that bit special....the 7 acre lake will be a venue like no other in the coming years! But on the other hand if you want to change your delkim batteries twice in a week get yourself on the 15 acre and fill your boots!!
We have a another regular on this week who has booked the lake....Mike is fishing solo and giving it 110% as usual. He has set up base camp in Peg 3 covering maximum area and has already had a few, and set for more I think this week!
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