Now You See Me,Now You Don't.
Posted: 18th Aug 2013
Well the picture says it all really!!! 40lb of Grass Carp saying no to the camera lens and leaving Adam in Peg 3 bewildered. It was another great week of company from one of our regular groups, and the fishing was quite good too. All the lads were catching every 24 hrs, with the main feeding spell being late evening 20.00pm-23.00pm and through the night time too. The days have been very quiet of late with the fish feeding when the air temp just starts to cool off after the intense sunshine during the day. The weather is glorious at the moment, with day time temps touching 27oc, combined with the stunning late summer evenings casting that warm mellow glow over the far bank Willow trees before sunset, magic!!!
Lots of fish feeding in the centre of the lake over the Bloodworm, but now the fish are moving onto baited patches with the lads baiting in the day time before the magic evening hours, along with a top-up after each fish through the night.
20 fish was the total last week with a good 8 fish lost to hook pulls in relation to rig issues, either way not a bad result. Best fish was Craigs lovely dark 45lb 8oz Mirror followed by the 40lb leaping Grassie for Adam. Andy in Peg 5 had some good upper 30lb fish through the week ending the week with a stunning rarely caught Mirror of 38lb, a little down after spawning but a real gem of a fish. 2 fish over 40lb+,12 over 30lb+ to 38lb and 4 fish of 23,28,28,29.
I will update most of the pics on the facebook page this week for viewing, along with a short video clip of something a bit special?
Andy came with a remote wildlife camera made by Bushnell, at £200 it was a cracking piece of kit so we decided to pick a spot up in the small Pine wood at the very far end of the big lake. I was not very confident because of me working on a regular basis up that end of the lake with the machines, and I thought this may have scared most of the wildlife off. Well we strapped it to a small tree facing a rubbing post that the Boar and Deer have used in the past, with a sprinkling of "The New Grange" boilies on the floor, it's all I had to hand with the mindset of them being sweet smelling and it may draw something in!!!
Well we had a Blackbird show up for the camera, along with two different Foxes smelling the bait, but on the following night a female Wildboar showed herself, which was a fabulous sight and caught directly on the camera, Wow I was so pleased. This animal does get some very bad press which I do think stems from the old hunting days, when they baited them with Dogs along with Bow & Arrows. It's similar to the Bager when people make comments about them being vicious, but like the Boar it's predominantly a noctural creature that favours a quiet life, preferring to stay away from Humans if possible. The Boar we have present here live at the far end of the 15 acre lake and being very elusive, I only get a quick glimse once a year maybe, if I'm lucky. Any animal cornered will fight for it's life giving them the bad press, but in general you have to be very quiet, stealth and lucky to see one in this part of the world, so the one caught on camera was a real treat for Myself & Andy.
Anyway enough of my wildlife lecture, but it does give you an idea of what a bewildering array of Flora & Fauna can be found around the site if you look close enough!!!
Regulars again this week, and fish showing feeding signs, so lets hope it pans out another good week, fingers crossed.
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary