New Artwork Blog Coming Soon!!
Posted: 4th Dec 2014
Well things are very quiet down in the valley this week, the fish are still active and showing late in the evening but with a big drop in temps of late to around 3oc at its peak things are slowing down. I'm still feeding the fish every other day and will reduce the quantity depending on water temps. Lots of trapping taking place at the moment with both Coypu & Muskrat moving around so by the end of the winter I will have reduced their numbers to near zero which is the cycle of managing this introduced species each year. Plenty of Red Squirrels this season have been visiting the lakes and garden to cash-in on the plentyful supply of Walnuts, they are a real pleasure to watch at close quarters. We have a female Sparrowhawk causing havoc around the land at present, I have had to put extra measures in place to keep it off my Partridge pen, and she is taking on average one pigeon everyother day off my neighbours roof!! which I'm sure he is oblivious to. Huge Skenes of Common Cranes are still passing through on mirgation south, along with the trees shrugging off their leafy blanket, its feeling like winter is now upon us. Lots of signs of Deer & Boar on the move with the hunting season underway & the last of the maize crop being harvested, they are constantly living on a knife edge and not wanting to settle for long. I'm just about to set a Bushnel remote camera up down at the lake so lets hope I can get some pictures of their antics over the net few weeks.
I have touched on starting a new blog to splinter off from the fishery and focus more on my other passions in life. Carp fishing holds a special place in my heart but my love for nature and other areas of our sport are far broader than Carp fishing alone. The new blog will focus predominantly on Wildlife in general and angling for other species, but will encompass all aspects of countrylife, from management to conservation, field sports to nature photography. Along with fishing for all manner of fish which I have always been just as passionate about.
My Artwork is a little behind to be honest this season with one thing and another and I have been quietly enjoying a little free time in the evenings working on commissions in the background away from the fishery. After constructing a small studio last year so I have a place to concentate away from the busy family!!! It has allowed some of our customers who are interested to view some of my work up close and encourage them to part with some cash!!! Things have escalated out of control with me struggling to balance my Art along with the business, but rest assured the customers who have requested a commission, I will be making headway this winter and catching up, so yours is next in line!!!
The new blog will not appeal to all our exsisting customers, but if like ourselves you enjoy the wider aspect of angling & nature please sign up to the blog and show your support. Hopefully next week it will come on line and I will update the fishery blog in due course, with a link to the new blog.
Back soon
Team Sanctuary