Basking In The Sunshine
Posted: 16th Mar 2014
Its been sometime since the last blog so please excuse, we have been back to the UK for the annual visit to stock up on supplies for the business and catch friends and family up which is always a highlight for us. A good friend has been continuing the work at the fishery while we were away and the lakes and fish are all in good order.
We have returned to the most Glorious sunshine touching 20oc some days, full sun and feeling a a little warmer than previous years I can remember, in fact I would say we are a good 3 weeks ahead of a normal weather pattern, but all that could change over the next few weeks but I hope not.
The lakes are all full to bursting and overflowing the outlets, with the water quality in good order for the season ahead. There are signs of spring everywhere you look with the plant "Lords & Ladies" pushing through the leaf litter along the hedgerow line, Male Mallard ducks fighting to claim a female along the lake margins, Kingfishers working the stockponds each day and all kind of Raptors circling the clear blue skies ready for nesting in the coming month. The fish too are wide awake from their winter slumber and clouding the lake bed in most areas, and soon onto the free feed going in each day. I have seen little crashing but all the signs are there for feeding hard over the next few months.
I returned 50 large Zander yesterday into the 7 acre lake from one of the stockponds, they have overwintered very well and the females are very gravid with eggs ready for spawning in the next few weeks. I have also added another 30 x 2 summer fish which are around 750gram in size, these will keep the Biomass in check with the picture below of Steve my righthand man adding one of these little beauties.
All in all there is not much to complain about, and you do feel alive when blessed with a Spring start like this one, lots of tree cutting and paths to be topped up before we open in the next few weeks, so I better get cracking and get back to some work.
Blogs will be back each week so keep your eyes fixed for more regular updates.
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