Lost In Space
Posted: 26th Nov 2013
Evening All, we have been lost in Space now for a good month after the end of the season and that has not been by design. We have had a problem with the site stopping all access to the content management system so we have not been able to update the blog, sorry about that. We have been given the gohead today, so I thought it's time to fill you in about what's taken place recently.
It's been a consistant year throughout for most weeks, combined with good spawning and balanced weather, overall we have nothing to complain about. After the two years of very heavy spawning we are starting to see weights back up at last, therefore next season we will be producing many more 50lb+ fish along with some stunners to boot. We are approaching a fully booked season again for 2014 with only a week in July and October left, there is a spot for two anglers for a prime week in late august if any groups of two anglers who are looking for a slot, so please feel free to contact if your thinking of making a booking.
I have completed half of the 15 acre lake repair work now, and the lake is now 3/4 full, I have been transferring fish over from the uncompleted side to the finished part of the lake if that makes sense??? over the last week. With 3 lads on the job it has been hard work but very enjoyable, combined with pleasant weather we have nearly all but finished. 90% of the carp are in their new home and looking in absolute stunning condition, they are on the leaner side than I would have hoped for, but with so many fish condensed into half of the lake surface area I think they have exhausted the natural food, that's along with 7 Ton of feed I have provided too!!!! Next year in their new home they will get even more feed to boost their weights before the lake opens, but their condition is second to none and some real gems have been moved this week.
The plan now is to remove the Roach, Zander, Perch, etc then hopefully open a bottle of wine for Christmas and toast the occasion.
The last week of the season did not end with a bang with Roger having the run-a round from the fish. The weather was very mild for the time of the year but the problem was too much space for the fish to move with only the one angler on the lake. Either way Roger enjoyed himself as always and did manage 4 fish to 33lb 8oz but he will have to wait until April next year before he can have his payback!!!
I will update the blog a little more now I can get access again, in the mean time it's a very big thank you to all our old and new customers who have once again shown support and love for what we do here!!!
All the Best over the Festive Period from Team Sanctuary.