Crystal Clear Water
Posted: 13th Apr 2014
Before I type up last weeks report I wanted to share a letter left by Graham a couple of weeks ago when we first opened for this season. I was a little taken back to be honest because the big dafty is not the kind to show any emotion other than a wind-up!!!
Before our arrival to The Sanctuary Fishery we stayed the Friday night in Bourges, a beautiful town stooped in history. After feeling a little unwell on the Friday night I was up early with the Lark knocking on the Pharmacy door. Afterwards I headed for the Cathedral, a place of breathtaking beauty, a place I visited a couple of years ago on our first trip to say a pray asking for a "Biggie" which was answered with a new pb that trip!!! Last year we never had chance to visit the Cathedral and even though I banked 20 fish the big 40lb fish never hit the net!! This time though I went a step further buying a candle and offering a little prayer for my sons health, and a lottery win so I could make Adam & Jayne an offer for my idea of Heaven on Earth, combined with a good weeks fishing. Well let me tell you that Cathedral has powers, having banked my first 50lb Carp backed up with 6 fish over 40lb+ including a 48lb and breaking my pb twice, that 2 Euro candle was worth a hundred fold the price I paid, now time to head home and check my Lottery ticket. Keep that phone on Adam and God bless The Sanctuary, Thanks for the memories, unitil next time.
Graham & The Boys.
Its always heart warming to get great feedback and that letter makes all the effort worth while.
Well onto this week just passed and it has been a week of ups and downs and many laughs along the way. Another regular group consisting of Buzz Lightyear, Chinese Millon Dollar Boy, Thunder Thumbs and Cockney Roger!! I think that sets the tone, Ha,Ha. Well the fishing was unsettled and completley different than the week before. Peg 3 which was on fire the first week was very quiet and for the first half of the week the fish were very illusive indeed. Not much crashing day or night and not much to be seen in the margins either. The water is like Gin, no doubt due to removing all the Tench and half a ton of Silver fish which must have be constantly turning the bottom over. Combined with the massive boost in natural food available for the carp which can be seen in the margins, the carp are under no pressure to feed hard on anglers baits so far.
I think the weather was very changable too with temperatures dropping 20 degrees from day to night. Karl took the first fish in the shape of a stunning golden mirror of 40lb 8oz from Peg 2, followed by Paul in 5 taking a 38lb and a 30lb Grassy for Roger in Peg 3. Monday was quiet with Karl taking a 39lb 10oz but it was Tuesday when things started to pick up a little. Mark in Peg 1 took his first fish of 41lb followed by a few young stock fish and a 39lb+ for Paul down in 5 again. Wednesday saw another 3 fish over 40lb to 46lb and then Thursday & Friday being the much better days with 10 fish coming out each day, with many more signs of fish moving around.
The highlight this week was Mark landing the largest of the week at 54lb from Peg 1 (pictured) and all the lads catching multiple 40lb+ fish apart from Poor Roger in Peg 3, but the fish cannot be caught if they are not in front of you. Karl had 2 Grassies over 40lb to 42lb 8oz being the new confirmed lake Record Grassie. These fish only just go in the net being well over 4.5 feet long, so they can no longer be brought onto the bank, if you want a picture you will have to slip the waders on and get in I'm affraid.
The week ended on 28 fish with another 10 doubles not counted in the total. These are young stockfish and small grassies to balance the stock.
Best being the 54lb followed by 9 fish over 40lb+ to 46lb. 15 fish over 30lb+ including two of 39lb+ and most mid-upper 30lb+. The remaining 3 fish being 20lb+.
It turned out another good week with on average 1 in 3 being 40lb+, and another 50lb+, but more than that, the weather has been stunning for the time of year and another week spent with a cracking bunch of guys.
I have just finished the rounds this morning to find the fish have started spawning on the 15 acre lake. The back bay is quiet sheltered and warms up quickly but this is the first time in 7 years they have spawned the 3rd week in April. All I can think is the mild winter with the lakes not freezing being a first, has brought the fish into condition earlier than usual.
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