One Rod Wonder
Posted: 26th Jul 2015
As I type this a little rain has arrived being the first shower we have had since May, & I mean not a drop. The ground is starting to crack and the grass looks scorched from the prolonged heat, but somehow I have managed to keep the lake at max level which has been nothing short of a miracle considering I have the big lake empty which is naturally trying to draw water from the full lake next door.
The fishing once again has been very good indeed, and this summer could not have been more consistant and the fish seem in very good health indeed. Most have spawned with only a few females still holding, but that's no issue with the fish spawning 4-5 times each year for the past 3 years. Each week we are seeing some fish fighting for over 40 minutes and this week was no exception with Paul playing the largest of the week being a stunning leather at 47lb for 35-40 minutes, claiming never wanting to go through that again, it abolutely smashed him-up and would not give up with Paul thinking it must be foulhooked!! This seems to be the norm at the moment, so make sure your line and hooks are suitable for these kind of battles.
These West country cider boys know how to relax, so most of the days were spent sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping, maybe a BBQ? or a rig tying session? more sleep, chill, "go on then lets put the rods out!". Ollie smashed his pb mirror with a 47lb and grassies to 39lb from Peg 1, Jon in Peg 3 had commons to 40lb, mirrors to 45lb and grassies to at least mid 40. Good old Paul just used one rod moving swims and taking 7 fish in one night from the same spot on one rod!!! Rub it in my son!!. All in all it was a week of laughs, great fishing and general wind-ups with all 3 of them breaking a pb to boot. The lads had fish from every swim and once they got the baiting right, using boilies and pellet the fish came thick and fast. They tried particles as well but got pestered by the Grassies, moving back onto the boilies and pellet seem to pull the carp in more. Among the big fish the lads had a handful of stunning stockies but Jon had an absolutle clonking Roach, it was not weighed but certainly an upper 2lb fish.
I cannot really see things slowing down as of yet because of so much competition for food, make sure you bring a few extra kilos of bait because it's needed to hold the fish for long enough. It should be a good growing year hopefully and I'm looking forward to seeing the average weights towards the latter part of the season when things start to cool down a little.
The big lake has been progressing very nicely and we have made a great start until the turbo on the track machine decided to give up the ghost two days ago, so everything has ground to a holt. It looks like it could be two weeks before we are back up and running so fingers crossed we can crack-on soon.
4 Regulars on this week and a good start last night with 5 fish caught to 41lb+ so lets hope for more of that!!
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