Green Eyes, Ghosts & Ghouls!!
Posted: 14th Sep 2015
Its been a strange week all round for many reasons, the regular boys are as nutty as a fruit cake, but the fish seemed to be feeding in strange fits & starts, combined with Ghostly happenings in Peg 4!!!
The better fish do seem to be still up in Pegs 4 & 5 for another week running but John in Peg 1 worked hard getting his rigs on tight little spots, which caught him 6 fish on the first night. I got the felling he was just ambushing small groups of fish that had rested up in Peg 1, but he didn't really have much down his end of the lake this week and he fished well. Dave stuggled in Peg 2 despite lots of fish bubbling and taking up residency in Peg 3 this week, with no one fishing the swim, I thought he may have picked them up as they moved from his left but it was not the case. I still think your bait plays a part and Daves hookbaits had more mold on them than a good mature stilton, and older than Tutankhamun's tomb but there was no chance he would listen to me!!! Well good old Paul in Peg 4 took the best fish of the week at 46lb+ for god knows how many years running, the rest of the boys still think he flukes-it, but I'm not too sure myself these days! With Paul in 4 & brother Kev in 5 they were at hand each night to help each other out, with a strange burst of action on the Wednesday night that could not be explained. We have had some C1s survive from last years spawning which is a first for us, and due to the heavy weed last season allowing them to survive, combined with no weed this season they have come out to play, with some weeks a couple caught or a dozen over the week for the lake if unlucky. These are being removed and are not an really an issue but they seemed to switch on for Bod & Kev on just the one night, you could have cast a bait anywhere and they must have had 9 of them for no apparent reason. Along with Paul in and out the bivvy like a fiddlers elbow, he was marking his line out in the Dark ready for a recast when he was confronted by a set of Green eyes on the path, at the same time a small solar light on the Peg burst into life crackling and hissing with the light becoming brighter then fading down again. He quickly made the recast only to turn around and nearly "follow through" because his wet clothes hanging in the nearby tree looked like a Ghostly figure stood behind him, LOL he ran back in the bivvy like a frightened school boy, he does tell a good story does our Paul!!!
Kev in Peg 5 came good the second half of the week picking some of the 40s up off his baited patches and landing a 41 & 43 on the last day!! The boys ended the week on 26 fish with the best being 46lb+, 7 fish over the 40lb+ mark this week including a massive Grassy that the boys did not weigh and would not put a weight to because it really was that big, mind You John is no taller than the Pop star "Prince" so even a double looks big next to him!!! 9 fish of 30lb+ (including 5 over 35lb upto 38lb) 10 fish of 20lb+ and 6 stockies not included just under 20lb. A few fish lost this week and some good ones too, which lowers the overall count a little but once again it was a good week all round and never a dull moment, and lets be honest it didn't rain hey boys!!
This week is a different story and we have had some very heavy rain over the weekend, including as I type a massive down pour which is making life hard for me on the big lake digger work. The boys this week have started well with 10 fish out already, including a 48lb to Steve in Peg 5, We just hope this cold rain and hail that's coming down does not drop the water temp too much.
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