Catch Reports
Posted: 4th May 2018
We have slowly been moving over to Fb with little snippets of information on a daily basis seeming to be of my interest these days than a lengthy blog. I think from this point onwards we will start to copy & paste the FB posts onto the blog, this will give you more of a frequent blog but not as long winded for any customers who dont use FaceBook.
We are now 5 weeks into the season and big fish are coming out each week, multiple infact and the fishery has never produced so many big fish. I will hit you with a few totals from each week....I know it doesnt meen much without images but everyweek we have be producing some outstanding fish. 2nd week we had 2 regulars along with a new face to the fishery, I know Andy from many moons ago, so it was great to catch up again. All the lads had mid 40s+ and the lake produced 30 fish in total, largest going 46lb+, 6 over 40lb+, 11 x 30lb+, 13 x 20lb+ and some real jems once again being caught.
3rd week regular Stoke Lads again this week but the weather has been very changeable making tricky fishing. I have never known a year like it for rain fall and massive temp changes on a weekly basis. 15 fish landed this week with John in 2 catching his long awaited first 50lb at 53lb 8oz. 4 fish over 40lb+ to 46+ again along with 6 good 30s.
Regular Lee came with 3 new guys from the bait company "Madbaits" the lads had a great weeks fishing & the Sanctuary did cast her spell over the guys and some stunning fish caught this week. A real mixed bag of big fish, monster grassies and some knock-out young scaley fish. The lads landed 26 fish in total with the largest going 54lb 4oz along with others of 52lb+ & 50lb 8oz.7 fish over 40lb+ including grassies of 49lb,47lb & a common of 47lb+ 6 fish over 30lb+ to 39lb and finishing off with 10 fish over 20lb+ to 29lb. We are now starting to see more 40s than 30s with a gap between the young scaleys in the 20s and growing strong & the bigger fish all moving up the ladder!
This next week saw regulars again on both lakes, with the first group arriving on the 15 acre two days after a very early spawning indeed. The smaller lake fished well once again, but the change in temps held back any ideas of spawning on there!! The lads had 30 fish with Kev in peg 5 showing his skills once again by getting through 20kg of boilies and building the swim over the week and getting the fish feeding.He alone had 20 fish with no less than 7 good 40s to 49lb+ the lake produced 12 fish over 40lb+ this week with a 48lb falling to Ronnies rods in 2 this week which is serious fishing and once again some lovely fish indeed.
The large lake went crazy with the 3 lads not managing to keep a bait in the water. Opening week produced 218 fish between the 3 of them.....that is just crazy fishing by anyones standards. The fish are down because of the spawning but Karl did have fish to 41lb+ along with 30s to 39lb, most of the fish where between 18-24lb and another group between 26-27lb. This average has started to rise already over the last week and we are seeing more 30lb fish already. No bait limit in place on this lake at the moment so order of the day is a good baiting once a day of 10kg over your spots...then top up as and when you are getting pick-ups. We do stock the high quality pellet and fresh cooked maize so it allows you to bulk your feeding out without spending a fortune on boilies. Keeping it simple with a bottom bait out of the bag, good fishmeals...plenty of maize & pellet and they seem to move through in big groups giving you a blaze of action until they clear you out and move on!
This brings us up to speed with the lads on this week. Regular guys on the small lake are breaking pbs and have caught some of the lakes finest this week. 3 fish over 50lb+ again to 55lb making it 7 different fish of 50lb+ this season.Along with Grassies to 47lb again we are now just about to see 10 of the 20 grassies in the lake ready to step into the 50lb size along with the beast caught last year of 53lb 8oz! The lake is going to produce 30+ fish again this week, if the storm that hit earlier in the week which plummeted the water temp 5oc and making it feel like mid March had not arrived I think this week could have been the hit of the year. Next week could be very good timing for the new group indeed....we shall see.
Guys on the 15 acre lake this week have been slow and steady, most of the fish have moved into "Bundy Bay" down the far end so Paul is having the bulk of the fish. Largest so far bettwen the 3 guys is a 37lb Grassie some nice Commons to 35lb+ along with others of 30lb+ have been a nice surprise for myself...the lake will keep producing surprises over the next couple of years because I have not seen the whole stock for many years after all the lake digging that has taken place. I would think this week the guys will be close to 100 fish in total!!
From this point I will paste the FB posts into the blog...if your thinking of booking in the future you need to do this well in advance for the smaller lake and we are taking booking for this season and 2019 for the large lake....all the hard work is paying off at last....its only taken 11 years!!
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary