Roger That
Posted: 7th May 2017
Please bear with me for playing catch-up....I will post another blog in the next few days. I'm flat out putting the footings in for the new shower block so it's all hands on deck!
We had 4 regulars on the lake a couple of weeks ago working hard for their fish and testing Cockney Roger in Peg 1, which is the first time in 10 years of him coming. Once again fish sitting in Peg 5 but when they did start to move, Simon in Peg 3 would pick them up, along with Karl snaring a few good fish in Peg 2 with careful placed rigs along the far bank!The weather has again been all over the show and we had a run of frosts each morning for 5 days on the trot. It's been unheard of, maybe one or two frosts for late April/ early May but not consecutively on the bounce which has had all the wine growers in the region panicking that it will destroy this years harvest. I was talking with the local farmer about the town of Sancerre close by, which is located on the crest of a hilltop with far reaching views with the vines spiralling around the slopes around the town. The same week they attempted to raise the air temp at night to prevent the frost damage by lighting hundreds of bales of hay around the "Mount" which I can imagine from the air must have looked impressive, looking like a massive sacrificial ritual! Maybe I might try that myself if it gets a little nippy again, see if I can raise the water temp..haha
The fish are catchable but you need to keep your baiting tight, rigs performing and a litle extra effort has been the recipe for producing some lovely fish indeed. 3 out of the 4 chaps had fish over 40lb+ with the largest going 47lb to Mark in Peg 5 along with others of 46lb+ and 42lb. Karl had a nice short run midweek taking mirrors of 45lb+, 42lb+ along with some other nice looking fish. Simon in Peg 3 had a brace of 2 x 40lb+ to 44lb being the largest with the righthand margin producing once again, along with a longrange rod out in front of 4 producing fish for the latter part of the week. Poor Roger had to settle for a 39lb+ for his best, but the frustrating thing was he did have fish in his swim under the trees and I did see a very large common in amongst 16 fish in a pod just lounging around.
The week ended with 17 landed best going 47+,46+,45+,44+,42,42,40lb 8oz along with 30s to 39lb 8oz. The chaps also had 6 stockies under 20lb not included.
This brings us upto date with the 3 regular chaps who fished last week, one of the guys had a trip of his life breaking 3 new pbs, but I will leave it there for now!
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