Pick & Mix
Posted: 18th Jul 2016
Well we are running behind again so I'm trying to bring the blogs up to speed. For the first time in years we decided to close the doors for two weeks and have a family holiday........time to recharge and put my young family first, so off to the beach it has been for the last two weeks. After the last blog we had 4 chaps arrive being two regulars (Dave & Jim) and an old friend Wayne who we haven't seen for 8 years! with his son ( Andy). The fishing was tough, with odd boughts of spawning again on both lakes which has been the case this summer, but despite the conditions it was spent with good company and the lads managed some good fish and a new lake record Zander!!!! Dave in Peg 4 managed a 30lb very hard fighting male fish from no more than 10 yards out to the left of the peg showing once again how close the fish will come in if its quiet....it put one hell of a fight-up being all fins and muscle. The other strange scenario this week was Andy in peg 3 had no sleep on the first night landing 6 fish to 34lb so we thought it was going to be a blistering week, but it was slow going after the great start. Andy did manage a new pb in the shape of a 44lb Grassie which was the largest fish of the week. Dave managed a 10lb zander caught on a boilie which is the largest one weighed so far, there are much bigger in the lake but they are never fished for, so remain a Ghost! We are also seeing large Tench and Roach caught this year....with 3lb red-fins now being present along with Tench just ready to break the 10lb barrier!
The lads ended the week on just 11 carp not including some stockies under 20lb...this is the lowest number of fish caught this year but as to be expected with what's going on.
We now have 4 regular anglers down at the lake this week and all 4 having landed fish so far, but they have started spawning again this morning and in their numbers!. Weather is set to remain very hot being into the upper 30oc this week which is far too hot for spawning, but the water quality is very good with high oxygen readings, so I hope the spawning continues tonight and tomorrow so the big females can get it over and done with. Once again the full moon has be a trigger for spawning which I always find very interesting. I know many other animals can give birth on a full moon and it seems the aquatic world is also influenced.
Back at the end of the week with any results, let's hope they can pick odd fish off after the big event....a strange year indeed.
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary