Getting Very Close Now
Posted: 14th Aug 2017
Talk about where do I start....there is so much going on at the moment and we have two weeks left before the larger lake opens for business and we are right to the wire regarding everything being ready for the day, Its going to be close that is for sure but when did I not like a challege!The second shower block is up and functional, it still needs a lick of paint etc but the main thing is the services are in and working and everything is as it should be....just the gravelling of the pegs to finish off so it's long days and nights for the next two weeks.
On a fishing front I'm behind so I will once again have to condense two weeks into this blog. We had regular chaps on a couple of weeks back, but Graham & Dave are used to fishing the opening week so it was a very different scenario for the guys. The fish are still playing tricky, but the weed is keeping them very happy indeed along with the glut of extra food present this year so they are more than happy to put on a dolphin show each evening for you, but catching them is proving a little tricky. They are showing all over the lake but the bulk of the fish once again seem to be holding up in the weed in the centre part of the lake, and peg 4 is like the good old days once again producing most of the fish.
Nev fished Peg 1, Graham in 5 and Dave in didn't take long for Dave to work out what they were doing and he is a class angler to watch, a real observer with great water craft and he said two days in, the fish were having a whale of a time in the weed and he had never seen so much boshing in the 9 years of fishing the lake.
Saying that is was slow going but the fish that did grace the bank seem to come quickly once again after rebaiting and casting and in Daves case over a good 2 kilo of bait! Best fish went 43lb along with others of 38lb+ and Nev taking a grassie of 39lb 8oz....but the fishing was far from easy.
The following week we had a a chap who came last year along with a friend who was looking to catch his first 40lb+ fish from France.....along with the pair we had a chap called Stuart Harris aka "The Sweetcorn Kid" join the group. Stu is a very active angler in the traditional fishing circles and I was very lucky to be invloved with the illustrations for his Second book "A Coming Of Age", this was the follow-on from Carbon to Cane, his first book and if you enjoy all aspects of our beautIful sport from all historical waters, ancient carp, vintage tackle, wildlife and more, pick up a copy of his will be taken to another world. It was one of the most enjoyable weeks I can remember for myself at the fishery and to say Stu is eccentric is an understatement...he is as nutty as fruit cake and like a modern day "Yates" along with once of the nicest anglers you could care to meet. He was all over both lakes like water rat and he certainly made the most of his time dipping in and out on both lakes and catching a few to boot. Tim stuck with his plan and set his stall out for the long haul along with Mark in Peg 5.
Tim fished very well indeed and is the first angler I have seen have a result using a spod/spom and the fish seemed to be happy in the weed and he made the most of it with 10 fish under his belt.....good angling indeed. Mark had me worried hanging out to the last minute, but he was not here for numbers and was also prepared to go the whole mile, and what a treat on Friday morning when he lands his first fish of 40lb 8oz and the one fish he really wanted, followed by another of 42lb+ a few hours later....nerves of steel that man, well done chaps!
Stu took mirrors to 35lb+ from the 7 acre lake along with one of the B&W cross fish on the thursday night. Days spent on the big lake with cane and pin and he landed carp to upper 20lb+ and had the fight annd time of his life along with a few big fish lost along the way. 16 fish landed from the 7 acre lake this week with the 3 fish over 40lb+ being the largest
All in all the chaps had a cracking week and it was one to remember for us all..
This brings us back up to speed so with little time left before the grand opening!! I will be back soon with another update.
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary