Storm After The Calm
Posted: 6th Jun 2013
Well the answer to last weeks hard fishing became apparent just after the weekend, with the fish on the 15 acre lake bursting into spawning mode followed by the 7 acre lake starting on Monday. It seemed to be the young stock fish getting things going again, followed by the larger fish thrashing the water to a foam in the early hours down in Pegs 1 & 2. Jeff relayed the story this morning when around 2.00am it was like somebody had flicked a switch with the lake exploding with fish spawning in every margin, right up until the break of dawn, which kept him awake all night!!! There are still small groups continuing through the day, and I think we have another 24 hrs to go before it's finished, the plus side is the weather has remained constant for the last 5 days and the fish should get the spawning out of the way in one hit instead of fits & starts.
Jeff has managed 5 fish over 30lb+ to 37lb, and 4 low 20lb male commons. Graham has been changing swims, landing his first fish of 42lb in Peg 5, followed by 3 x 30lb+ fish on the Wednesday including a 35lb Common, but the fish had started spawning down in his swim on Thursday, so he has moved back down to Peg 2 this evening for the last 48 hrs.
All in all it's a case of just picking fish off in between the spawning activity, & enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
I have been splitting the Blackbass between the lakes and stockponds because I cannot keep up with feeding them, there are so many 1" long roach fry in the lakes at present, I have been filling a bucket with hundreds and pouring them into the stockponds to feed the Bass, they literally smash into the small fry and devour the whole lot in under 1 minute, just such a ferocious predator and facinating to watch them in action.
Apart from feeding fish I have been cutting the trees on the Dam along the 15 acre lake ready for the machine work on the far bay, if I can remove some of the Willow trees it will allow me to work along the top of the Dam with the digger to remove the earth with ease, while repairing the dam at the same time, sounds easy, Hey!!!!
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Team Sanctuary