One End Of The Lake!!
Posted: 2nd Sep 2014
We have had a hitch with the Website over the last few days which has prevented updating the blog, apologies! Also if you have sent an email over the last week had not had a reply, please resend because we may have not received it.
The boys from Macc made it again last week with Barry & Billy dropping into Pegs 1 & 2 as usual, Arther went into his beloved Peg 5 & Pete took Peg 4. The problem was the fish had plans to stay down in Pegs 1 & 2 all week and nothing seemed to want to budge them, even Barry spodding could not push them out which is usually the kiss of death. There is nothing more fustrating than watching fish crashing day & night, but not infront of yourself, and this was the case for Pete & Arthur. Pete took the largest fish of the week at 40lb 4oz from a lovely little hard patch at the side of the main weedbed only 40 yards out from Peg 4, but it was Barry & Billy in Peg 1 again that were having pick-ups each day and night throughout the week. It really has been the Peg to be in this year and the fish have spent so much time down that end of the lake, it has been hard to fathem out why? The fish showing in Peg 2 was quite unreal this week, and everytime I stopped to have a chat with the lads fish could be seen rolling or crashing all over Peg 2, but most of the fish being caught in Peg 1. Poor Arthur has filled his boots for the last 4 years down in Peg 5, taking no less than 19 fish on his last trip down there, but not this year. He managed only one stocky and it was just dead all week, without a fish to be seen and the water remaining clear throughout his stay. Pete worked hard moving into Peg 3 & back again to 4, to see if he could get any closer and ended with another 3 smaller fish after his 40lb and catching a stunning perfect Linear.
19 fish was the total this week with a lot of the stockies in the 18-19lb bracket showing up after lying very low for most of the year. 6 fish over 30lb+ to 36lb but not a week of big fish at all even, though so many fish were crashing. Sticky baits range, B5 and our pellet producing the fish this week, same again using bags and keeping the baiting tight. A few fish lost to one thing and another this week but nothing alarming.
I decided to spend the 4 hours on the Saturday changeover removing the large weedbed between Pegs 3 & 4, because I have been seeing so many fish hiding in there and not venturing out for the last couple of months. After reducing the bed by 80% it was a job well done and once again the fish decided to change the rules. Tony & Richard have booked the lake this week deciding on Pegs 1 & 3 and moving in the day if need be. The fish were crashing in Peg 2 in numbers when the chaps arrived, with Tony taking a 44lb mirror on the Saturday night, but the fish had started moving in numbers over the area I had been weeding. Richard lost a fish too after a battle in the dark, but Sunday morning when I made my way down to the chaps with Breakfast, Peg 4 looked like a bomb had gone off with the whole area out infront clouded up like hot chocolate. Sunday was the most beautiful clear blue sky and the first day I can remember all summer feeling as it should be "SUMMER". Nothing caught through the day but Tony took another fish only 25 yards out from Peg 2 casting down from Peg 1, 48lb mirror in the net he was a happy chap. Richard bumped his second fish Monday night, but then followed it up with a 37lb a hour later. It's very settled this week, not much showing in the day like the week before, and they seem to be active at the night time with lots of fish now showing in Peg 5 after last weeks exodus!!
I had a quick look around the back of Peg 1 today in the peak of the afternoon heat, just to see if any fish could be seen laying up enjoying the sun. I counted a pod of 14 Grassies under the far left Willow trees, just lay side by side with some over 4.5-5 feet long!! A good Common could be seen sat off the edge of the shoal, and a couple of fish under the aquarium bush facing Peg 1, including a clonking Mirror charging up and down with its gills flaring, puffing and blowing & had obviously been feeding on something. With a good clear week set I think the action for the boys will hopefully continue each night.
On the wildlife front quite a few red Squirrels are collecting the walnuts, with them dashing around and stashing their bounty for the winter months. The Osprey has been over the lake for the last two days running, and is en route elsewhere after leaving their nesting site this summer. At least 5 Kingfishers were quarreling over the best perch for catching dinner, and could be seen chasing each other like fighter jets up and down the lake throughout the day. Also a few Wildies are still present in the stream at the back of the lakes, but so much weed is this season I cannot present a bait as of yet, Dam!!
Thats all for now, back soon
Team Sanctuary.