Here Comes The Summer
Posted: 8th Sep 2014
At last the warm settled weather has arrived which has been absent all summer and it has been a refreshing change for both the anglers, myself & the fish to feel a little warmth!! Tony & Richard did have a little cat & mouse this week with only the two booking the lake and the fish playing hide & seek, they kept very low all week with nothing to be seen through the day very much, only crashing out well into the night shift. The fish seemed to be spread out & I did notice fish bubbling and popping their heads out each evening down in Peg 5 just as the light was fading.
Pegs 1 & 2 each morning were very cloudy suggesting the fish had been feeding through the night on naturals, also Peg 4 showing signs too but they seem to be happy hiding in the weed and feeding on naturals. Tony put aound 8kg of bait over 5 spots midweek to try and draw them out of the weed, which did seem to work and he ended the week only on 5 fish but every one a 40lb+ with the 48lb being the largest. It was good angling on Tonys behalf, accurate baiting, and moving on the fish if he thought needed, in the end effort = reward!! Richard managed a 37lb mirror but lost a good 4 fish due to the weed in front of Peg 3 and with only a short window of time each night for a pick-up every fish did count for the guy's. The average size was good but in general the fish seemed far less active than the week before. The 48lb was another fish that was caught only half way out and this has been repeated this week. The weather is set to be nice again this week and the last 2 days have felt like midsummer being very warm. We are on the peak of the full moon at the moment but the fish are very active indeed. I have pulled out the two large thick weed beds that had been holding fish and this seems to have them moving again. Fish crashing throughout the day in all areas of the lake, with lots of bubbling still in Peg 2 and stacks of fish showing down Peg 5 last night. Our 4 regulars this week have covered most areas of the lake and on the Saturday night the lads had two of the 20lb stockies and a 27lb linear to Dave in Peg 4 on the close in hard patch. Kevin today has been seeing fish showing only half way out in Peg 1 and has taken a grassie followed by a 45lb 14oz mirror no more than 30 yards out next to a small weed bed. John in Peg 5 has taken a 34lb+ and Dave has lost one, so it looks like the fish are enjoying the sunshine and back feeding in the day. As I have always said they do like the warm dry weather at "The Sanctuary" so lets hope this settled weather stays put for a change!!
Back soon with any more gossip, just remember plenty of Pva bags for the groups coming for the rest of the season, but you will need arms like Arnie to match the tesco bags that Tony was wacking out last week, animal!!!!
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary