Jammie Dodger
Posted: 21st Jul 2013
It's been another great week of laughs and mocking, but the fishing side of things has not been great. To be honest Paul who comes each year is more of a good friend these days who never fishes hard at all, and truly knows how to enjoy his holiday and the finer things in life!!!, albeit being a good angler. The 3 lads who booked the lake enjoyed the intense summer sun and as they called it "A Pint Of Rough cider" direct from the local cider farm, with temps all week around 32oc IN THE SHADE it must have been 40oc+ in the full sun. I can honestly say it has been as hot as I can remember here over the last week and it has just been far too hot for the fish. Like any animal in this heat, us included, all you want to do is rest in the shade, drink fluid (no problem for the fish) and eat as little as possible, and this has been the case with the fish. Water temp has been in the upper 20oc with the fish feeding hard on naturals when need be. Fish showing all week in Peg 4 with fish crashing out, tail patterns, bow waving away from the small weed beds and clay patches clouding up all around 30 yards out in front of the Peg.The lads did try for a few hours in Peg 4 and Paul lost a fish due to a hook pull, but the fish did not want to pick bait up in this area.
With the lads catching 13 fish with a handful being stockies, it was not easy, other than Paul in Peg 1 fishing only for a small window of time, leaving his baited spots and spending time with the other lads, he proceeded each evening to cast the baits out at dusk to land a fish in 20 minutes every time. So as you can imagine the story of the week was "It only takes 20 minutes lads, it's easy, whats the fuss all about". Blag, Blag, Mock, Mock was the story of the week but all taken in good Jest with the lads back next year for more 20 minute fun and more crap purple boilies!!!!
Most of Paul's fish were mid to upper 30lb+ with the highlight being a Grassie of around 37-40lb but not weighed due to the lads wanting to get her back because of the blistering heat and safety coming first. Picture below.
With another week set to be even hotter it's hard to say how the fishing will go, but with another regular group on this week and Ben dropping in Peg 4 with fish showing everywhere, it's only a matter of time.
The weather is set to cool down with storms in a weeks time, so lets hope it rolls in because someone will be having a bit hit sooner rather than later.
Back soon unless I melt into the cracks in ground!!
Over & Out
Team Sanctuary