The Golden Triangle
Posted: 29th Sep 2013
It's been a great week all round from a fishing perspective, company, great angling and most of all a learning curve for myself too that these fish are getting in on the bait almost straight away and they "Are Doing You" so to speak, if your rigs are not working efficient.
Each week a new group of anglers arrive as keen as the previous weeks group, all hoping for a new PB, along with some steady sport over their weeks fishing. All we want for every group that arrive being new or old is that an enjoyable week is had and they catch fish, nothing more. The information I provide through the blog and when you arrive is not just my own personal perspective on things but careful observation from 7 years of documenting each weeks results, weather patterns, time of year, etc, so how you choose to use the information provided is purely down to the individual. It's not a case of my word is gospel and you can only listen and utilise the information at hand in anyway you see fit, but the catch reports each week are not a simple case of what the fishery is capable of producing and more a case of the angling ablity of the anglers each week!!
This week two anglers booked the lake and we had a good chat before they started fishing. I was concious that the fish had lots of room to hide so the lads had to fish with a strategic plan, and build the swims over the course of the week to get the fish coming back to the baited areas and hopefully create some competition between the shoal. I explained that the lads last week were picking fish up over a bed of bait and Dave in Peg 3 topped the swim up with 1 kg of bait after each fish and used the throwing stick to top the swim up periodically over the day, and also he had been building a spot out in the middle of the lake between 3 & 4 over the week which produced fish very quickly once a bait was placed on it. Well Joe this week opted for the same approach taking a 44lb, 35lb & 48lb very quickly from this centre area of the lake. Dan choose Peg 1 after having a good look around the lake on arriving and plenty of fish could be seen under all the bushes down this end of the lake. Joe increased the spodding with hemp and pellet but used very little boilie and this seemed to kill the area for a 36 hour period. Even though the fish stayed out in the central part of the lake in front of Peg 4, moving over the baited patch, rolling and bubbling but no more pick ups. We had a chat again and I explained that spodding had been a kiss of death for previous anglers over the years and I honestly felt the hemp would not even have touched the bottom when the Silver fish move in and take nearly everything on the drop. "Give them some boilie" I said and "give the Carp something to eat" drop the spodding and just use a pult or stick and see if it rings the changes?
In the mean time fish had been crashing out day and night in Peg 5, triggering Dan to make a move resulting in fish almost straight away, 5 fish in the net to just under 38lb for Dan but once again the swim seemed to go quiet with the fish moving out into the Golden triangle in front of Peg 3 & 4 leaving Dan in a quandary as weather to move again or stay put?
By now Joe was really building the swim with the shoal sitting off the baited patch with a steady stream of fish visiting the area and giving him action. To be honest it's some of the best angling I have seen all year from both the lads and they really got intune with what was going on out in front of them. A change to pop-ups and a tweek of the rigs made all the difference and Joe started to put fish on the bank I have not seen for most of the year, including a couple of real gems. Another 48lb golden beast of a fish graced his net rounded off with 5 fish over 40lb+ all from his middle spot where nobody puts a rod. The fish were looking in stunning condition and once again I will update the Facebook page so you can see what I'm talking about. Both the 48lb fish will be close to mid 50lb by spring next year, so at last the weights of the fish are coming back to their best once again.
Dan moved into Peg 2 after having the fish from Peg 5 but only took the 1 stockie of the week from the swim after the fish played cat and mouse all week with him, either way it was quality angling on his behalf.
20 fish was the week total with the 2 fish of 48lb+ being the largest, 5 over 40lb+ and 9 fish of 30lb+ (including 4 over 37lb+) 1 large grassie that was not weighed and 5 x 20lb+ to finish the week off.
Quality fishmeal boilies used this week with a little pellet doing the buisness for the lads.
It just shows that thinking about your baiting strategy and rigs does make the difference because these fish are getting a little smarter and some quality fish are there to be caught if you do so!!!
Two new lads have arrived this weekend booking the lake again to themselves, lets hope they can repeat last weeks success, build the swim and give them some food because that's what they are looking for at the moment.
Back soon with anything fishy!!!
Team Sanctuary